Friday, September 12, 2008

Indulging... Locally

There are always new bars and hip joints for the Pretty People opening up on Milwaukee Street, Downtown. Nothing new. They come and go in a blink, many never having the chance to admire how much time & energy went into the design, function and then failure of their baby-business. I feel for those entrepreneurs who make a passion their job and then watch it dissipate in front of their eyes.
That's why I went to Indulge.
I would like to see a somewhat unique business succeed for a change. This is an atmosphere of fickle spenders (you know, the ones who would rather look good than spend good). OK, what does that mean? Spend money on things that benefit your environment, your neighborhood, your economy. Buy foods and products that are good for your body and the environment, not just pretty packages. That's what I mean.
So, what, if anything, does that have to do with Indulge? Little I guess. Except that's it's a locally run business by a family that invests money into our fair city. They are purposely using vendors from our city (Indulgence Chocolatiers (262) 510-9980) and seeking out some of the best products they can to give you the ultimate experience.
Does it work? Sometimes. The atmosphere at Indulge is classy enough. I hear they built it themselves, finishes and all. Used a lot of recycled materials, thought a lot about what makes us Food-Wine-Junkies enjoy a proper night out. I think it worked. Will it last? That I can't say. The wine list was extensive and complete with lovely verbiage about the textures and sensations you get from the experience of eating (see their sexy website, sans wine list
The Sommelier was a bright, thoughtful addition to this place. She doesn't exactly exuded confidence, but once you get past her age (she's young) and find out that she has a head for wine, it easy to like her decisions about the wine list. She's put a lot of her heart into her choices. They don't all make sense (there's not a tons of French in there, and the options for those that don't want a BIG wine are slight) but I'm sure they will appeal to most who will enjoy their glass with a pungent meat platter. She definitely needs some port or sherry options thrown in there, and I think her palette might expand if more knowledgeable people tell her that they like to try new things. So...go ahead. Speak up. Tell these wine stewards and waitresses and bar jocks that you enjoy something new and don't always want an enormous Cabernet or Zin. You'd like to see an average priced but decent Rhone Blend that goes well with a little cheese. Or maybe a Malbec that tastes mighty tasty with some cured ham. I bet they'll do it!
For now, enjoy Indulge for what it is. A new place with lovely ambiance and a tight wine list that is priced fairly well. And tell those entrepreneurs that put their blood & sweat into their passion, that you enjoy it (or don't) because that's why they do it. for you, my friends.
Enjoy Yourself!

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